Are you a larger group and want a truly unique experience? PINPIN can accommodate anywhere from 12-400 guests.
1800 square options
Complete technical rig and stage
Two large cocktail bars
Several different event rooms adapted to the size of the group
Restaurant with an exciting menu
Darts, shuffleboard and TrackMan golf simulator
Not enough with just one type of activity? Save money and increase your fun by choosing one of our package deals!
Our event packages are put together based on what we have experienced providing the most memorable experiences with us. Three packages for everyone, ranging from groups of 12 to 400 guests. And yes, flavor explosions are included!
Not enough with just one type of activity? Save money and increase your fun by choosing one of our package deals!
Our job is to create the perfect event for you. Whether you are a small group or a big group - we customize as you wish. Contact us and we can tell you the possibilities you have at PINPIN. Leave your name and email and we'll get in touch. Or give us a call and we'll find out directly!
+200 guests? Get in touch with us at or 22343551